Navendu’s Column in the Heatons Post - May 2020

This article was originally published in Heatons Post.

As the coronavirus crisis continues, I hope all readers and their loved ones are managing to keep safe and healthy during the lockdown.

It remains a very challenging period for everyone across Stockport, but it has been heart-warming to see our community pulling together, with local volunteer groups helping to deliver food and PPE equipment to the elderly and most vulnerable members.

Stockport Council continues to go above and beyond in its efforts to support people through this pandemic, and I have written to the Secretary of State for Local Government to ask for a cast-iron guarantee that the Government will deliver on its promise to cover the cost of the council’s response, which is currently forecast to be £41m.

Although some lockdown measures have been eased, many businesses remain closed and are increasingly struggling to keep their heads above water. As a result, I met with Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce for an update about concerns that are being raised by local businesses and other challenges, such as accessing loans and grants, and will continue to push the Government on these issues.

With the Digital Parliament now up and running, I took part in a debate about cuts to our local fire services, calling on the Government to reverse the cuts of the past decade and address the issue of dangerous cladding and inadequate fire safety measures on high-rise buildings across Greater Manchester.

Finally, I would like to say a very big thank you to the Heatons Post team for continuing to keep the newspaper running. It really does make such a positive difference being kept informed about everything our community is doing during this difficult period.

If you have any casework enquiries, please do contact me directly:


In the midst of this crisis we can’t forget the crucial role care workers play


Navendu’s Column in the Stockport Express - May 2020